Whody /woʊdi/


A term of endearment or friendly address, used among individuals within the same community. Popularized in New Orleans in the late 1990s and early 2000s by artists under the Cash Money Records label. The term is often used to signify camaraderie and acknowledgment among friends or locals.

Total unique count of in-stock products140
Total unique count of out-of-stock products405
Total Sales (Approx.)6067
Top SellerJAKKS Pacific Sonic Prime 13″ Tails Nine Plush (142)
Most Recently Added ProductMcFarlane DC Multiverse Creeper (The New Batman Adventures) 6" Figure

What began as a simple search for vintage, real wood furniture led to an unexpected discovery at a random online auction: rare, vintage diecast models. That moment reignited the joy of uncovering treasures from our childhoods and laid the foundation for Lil Whody Son.

Today, we proudly serve collectors, gift-givers, and nostalgic shoppers alike with a thoughtfully curated selection of both new and vintage products. Our mission has always been to make every transaction seamless and worry-free, with secure packing and careful shipping as our top priorities. We’re not just selling products—we’re sharing memories, stories, and a touch of nostalgia.

And here’s a fun fact: nearly 50% of our vintage inventory isn’t listed online, so you never know what we may be offering next. Whether you’re a dedicated collector searching for rare gems, a parent looking for the perfect toy, or someone hoping to relive the magic of your past, we’re here to help you find that special piece.


Jakks Pacific Sonic Prime TAILS 13 Inch Plush (Netflix Sonic Prime) 2024
Fast shipping at a decent price. We looked in stores for 2 of these long enough. Great seller!
McFarlane DC Direct Super Powers Batman Black Suit Variant 5" Wave 5 Figure 2023
Fast shipping, ITEMS AS DESCRIBED, Well packed, Perfect transaction, Great seller and communication, All around GREAT Transaction, 5*****STARS A+

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